We prayerfully help leaders start and strengthen churches to advance the gospel collaboratively across NYC as a partner and resource for other global cities.
How we help.
We believe God has called you to serve our city in fresh and impactful ways—and we're here to help you discern, clarify, and fulfill your calling.

Explore tailored church leadership development programs for every stage:
Discover the perfect fit for your journey!
The City Ministry Program is a certificate program to develop ministry leaders seeking practical urban ministry skills. Experienced urban ministry practitioners, including Tim Keller, deliver the program through a robust learning community.
The Incubator is our two-year training program for pastors who either have planted a church in the past 12 months or plan to plant in the next 12 months. It provides in-depth training and practical, relational support to help participants develop the key competencies needed to effectively lead their new churches.
The Fellows Program is geared towards leaders who are 2-3 years away from planting. The program provides a focused exposure to urban ministry experiences such as small group leadership, mercy ministry, teaching, evangelism, and faith and work integration.
In our evangelism learning cohort, we invite leaders to first (re)center Jesus in their own lives and communities and offer practical ways they can strengthen the spiritual conversation “muscles” in their congregations. The end goal is that church leaders will be able to create environments where their church families can grow in ‘speaking’ the good news even in the face of fear and a shifting cultural climate.
Our Community Engagement Cohort equips churches to collaborate with their communities for the common good in both word and deed. This cohort involves regular meetings for training as well as follow up coaching sessions led by a seasoned practitioner.
Planting gospel-centered churches is the most catalytic way to reach a city with the Gospel
Start a Church
God is doing amazing things in New York City, equipping full-time and co-vocational church planters to thrive in ministering in specialized contexts. They play a crucial role in creating a vibrant gospel movement.
Strengthen a Church
The health of a church is defined by the body of Christ. It’s strengthened through the renewing power of the Gospel; being and developing disciples. Discover how we can help you along in your journey.
Who We Are
God calls us to be for the city, to love the city, and to serve the city. Globally, cities are growing exponentially, and New York City is not lagging behind as one of the largest cities in the United States and among the world’s major commercial, financial, and cultural centers. CTC’s vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform lives and cities.
Timothy J. Keller
1950 - 2023
Redeemer City to City is forever grateful for our co-founder Tim Keller’s leadership, heart and dedication to sharing the love of Christ with others. While we will miss his presence here, we know he is rejoicing with his Savior in heaven.